Monday, June 04, 2007
Busy, Busy
In the mean time we worked out butts off this week and yesterday lil' J arrived from MI! lil' J is my step son but I hate calling him that. Usually I just call him my son, or my other son when just chatting with others. He is awesome and we all get really excited when he comes for the summer!! I always get so excited that I don't sleep much the few days before he gets here so I'm happy to say I slept pretty good last He came in at new airport about 3 hours from us, so yesterday was a very long day.
Today I have loads to do, I need to go grocery shopping and go to the post office and still do some work on the house, can't stop that or it won't get done and I would be stuck with a half finished house..not I have piles all over, bags of clothes that don't fit the kids (I've washed everything in site and everything out of our drawers!), toys that they don't play with, bags of just school papers that we didn't need anymore (I went through and kept certain art projects and stuff)...
We are very lucky here where I live that every few months we get blue bags delivered (for free) from the sanitary station and we can recycle each week with our regular trash. It's an awesome program and really appreciated! In fact our whole sanitary station is great down here. They pick up all sorts of things we would have had to pay and arm and a leg for up north. I should send them a card!! :c)
Anyway, I gotta go, but wanted to check in with everyone in B-Land.
Ohh and yea, I think the picture and the yarn WAS just me.. It does kind of look like the picture, I hadn't seen them side by side until I put the picture up here. The only thing that really got me was that in the picture I swear the yarn looks like it has gold, not yellowish/greenish.. O'well, I guess I will keep it and see how it knits up, I may love it afterward. lol..
I hope everyone had a great weekend!!
April in SC
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Recent Talk About Yarn..
However, I'm a bit scared to buy more. I have one single ball that I bought a few months ago. I also mentioned a few posts back (umm, yea, more like a few months back!) that I would like to trade this ball of yarn for equal value of another sock yarn or something anyway. I paid $6.75 for it on sale at
My main concern is not the yarn itself, it feels fantastic. It's that the picture did not at all look like the yarn I got, and I did double check the label. I got online (summer I think?) color #787. Here is what it looked like in the picture at little knits, its the bottom one:
And here is what I got:
I don't know about everyone out here in B-Land, but this does not look the same per-say. The yarn I got was WAY lighter than what the picture showed and unfortunately that shade of greenish/yellow does not look good on me, its similar looking, just a lot lighter than I anticipated. Its not that it's bad, it just doesn't look that great on me, hence why I would like to trade it. ( I have cats and dogs by the way, and birds, although none of them have been near the yarn really)
Has anyone else had this problem with On Line sock yarn? Should I be scared to buy more? Was this a fluke or should I just look at the yarn as always going to be lighter than the picture?? At least for this brand??
Any comments or offers would be appreciated. :c)
April in SC
Frog, Ribbit, Frog, Ribbit!
This yarn is just fantastic, I totally love it....Unfortunately I love it so much that I've frogged it like 4 times now. It's like NO pattern is good enough for this yarn! Yea, its bright and dark at the same time, yea, it can't take anything that is to fancy, BUT, it deserves something special darnnit, and it WILL have it!! LOL
So I just got done froggin' it back yet again and I've decided that although it may not look the best of the best, I'm going to go ahead and use the Baby Cable Rib from the Sensational Knitted Socks my SunnyMe got me for my birthday. I tried the Garter Rib and didn't like it, and I tried Jaywalker and didn't like it either (not to mention that a size smaller than was recommended still looked like it was going to be to large for my foot). I also tried two others and none looked that great. I have no idea why I'm fighting a nice plane sock, but something just tells me that this sock wants me to do something special with it, and *I* like the Baby Cable Rib.. So I'm using it! :c)
Okay, so I've re-Cast On and I'm on the big 4th row of the 2x2 I feel confidant this time. And for anyone that is wondering, this Jitterbug has held up REALLY well to all my frogging!! I just couldn't be happier... Thank you again SunnyMe!!!!!!!!!!!
Other than knitting we've just been really busy around here the last week or so. We are getting ready for the yearly explosion of having 6 children in the house, the end of the school year and spring cleaning. We've all been working our little bottoms off.
Rhy has learned to scoot across the floor and go from couch to couch, and room to room to play with his sister.. However, he scooted just a bit to much today while I had my head stuck in papers and rubbed the heel of his cast off, or at least the first layer...sigh... I should have KNOWN to not take my eye off an almost 8 yo boy who is scooting through half the house.. What was I thinking?? Well he won't be doing much scooting now, and he also over did it and said his leg was hurting tonight, first time in over a week now..
Ire just got a does of Children's Motrin because she said her ear hurt. We will see in the morning if its still hurting, and if so I will have to take her to the doctor. The last time she kept complaining about her ear hurting she had a huge, hard ball of wax stuck in it..Over all I was thankful that it wasn't an infection. So I guess were just waiting to see if its still hurting tomorrow.
Brit, Rhy's bigger sister (my oldest who will be 17 yo in June, the day before Rhy's 8th b-day) has shown him how to play the card game Go Fish, and has been playing with him. Course he spent half the night cackling tonight because he beat
Ire our funny and youngest girl is such a hoot. She was sitting on Brit's legs the other day while Brit did some sit-ups and she was having a hard time holding her feet down, so she stood up and said to her big sister, "I'm just gonna have to work out my butt so it will get bigger, than I can hold your feet down." ONLY out of the mouths of Babes I say! And this was a light funny from her! LOL
Well I better get, I was so busy cleaning and than taking a bit of knitting time that I forgot to feed the cats, they haven't forgotten though and are reminding me thoroughly of my duties!
Oh, yea, Brit's friend signed Rhy's cast and drew a Mickey head on it. I thought it was awesome for a quick free-hand. Here is a pic:
I hope everyone had a great weekend!!
April in SC
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tomorrow is Friday, Thank The Heavens!
Ire has been doing all she can to either be annoying to her brother, or over helpful. Its like she can't make up her mind if she wants to be nice or For the most part she's helpful and I'm thankful for that.
Rhy on the other hand, is already bored, and I'm already feeling it. I keep asking him if he would like to learn to knit, but he keeps turning me down, but I keep telling him he wouldn't be bored anymore! lol Who knows, maybe I will get him to learn yet. ;c)
So we moved our old futon back into the living room. It wasn't just so our whole family could have a place to sit. Mainly it was so Rhy would have more room. The nurse who put his cast on told us that the more he could lay on his stomach the better he would be. All the weight of his leg is now on the heel of his foot, and it has been known to create sores under the cast. By keeping him on his belly we take that pressure off his heel. The futon is much deeper than our regular couch so he has room to stretch out, watch tv, color, have more toys around him and Ire can sit with him to play.. Over all its was a good thing and I'm glad I didn't get rid of it when my mother told me to last Doesn't Rhy have the skinniest leg ever?? I'm sure he will fill
In my free time I did a swatch with my wonderful Colinette, Jitterbug I got from my SP10 Sunnyme. I'm getting 9spi and I finally think I've decided on a pattern, I'm going to try and hope it looks good. Its from the Sensational Knitted Socks book that Sunnyme sent me. Its on page 37 and the pattern is Baby Cable Rib. I'm not sure if it will look good, but the pattern looks light yet fun. I can't say how excited about I am about this yarn, and the yarn she sent for my birthday. I'm saving my birthday yarn for a special pattern, its variegated but its so light I think I might be able to do something a bit more challenging. I think I will wait for that until school gets out so I can give it more of my attention. :c)
As for pictures. I'm a few days behind, these were taken a few days ago and I'm just getting them up. I now have my gifts and yarn pics from Sunnyme on my camera along with some pics of my Lornas Laces finished Maman socks and just need to get it loaded onto my desktop computer, than onto my flash drive, then onto my laptop...unfortunately that always takes me a few days to do.. I'm a bit lazy that
Well I've been trying to get to bed a bit earlier than normal, and I also want to get my new Jitterbug sock CO. So I'm going to go for today. I hope all is well with everyone in B-Land and that you all have a great weekend!!
April in SC
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
My SP10 Did It Again!!!
She sent me some of the most beautiful smelling tea candles that I don't even want to light them because I will miss the smell when they burn down.. She also sent me some bath beads, bath body wash, a make-up bag with cherries on them and another little cloth bag that I can't even say how cool it is AND it just happens to fit my sock knitting! Woooohoooooo!!!
And she sent something else.. what you ask?? She sent even more than that you say?? YES, I say! She did!! She sent me a skein of colinette jitterbug, in the jewel #54 color way... All I can say is WOW! Now this is not a color I would have normally picked for myself, but it is 100% what I NEEDED! I don't mean that in the sense that I have been ogling a pattern that this yarn fits, or that I have a special project planned. I mean it as in, I need more color, I need to be thrown out of my comfort zone and have someone show me that, yea, you can work with color and not only is it okay, but it looks great to. AND SHE HAS DONE THIS. I am SO in LOVE with this color, I can't even imagine only ever having one skein! I will need to buy more, as this color will need to be on my feet more than once a week! LOL
Sunnyme, you are more wonderful than you know, you are sharing things with me and opening me up with such small things but in such big ways. I don't even know how to explain without sounding totally insane, but your awesome and I thank you very much!
Okay, so now that I'm done being mushy *wink*... I will get pictures of everything I got because I can't not share, and I finally knit myself senseless and finished my Maman socks, so they will be coming soon.. In the mean time, here is a pic of the yarn taken from an Internet picture.....and I need some serious help in finding the "right" sock pattern -- so bring on the expert opinions!!
And I can't tell you enough times how this picture doesn't even do this yarn justice in the picture, its some of the most vibrant and luscious colors I've ever seen, and I LOVE the feel of this yarn!
In other news, Rhy my son got his cast put on Monday morning, and its not as simple as I had hoped. Since the buckle fracture is by his growth plate at the end of his bone the doc is pretty sure that some damage was done to the growth plate even if its not visible. So he will have to wear his cast for a full 6 to 8 weeks. :c( So we got him a wheel chair and he went back to school Tues. I have to drive him and pick him up, get him in and out of our truck, take his wheel chair in and out of the back of the truck, get him to the bathroom, help him dress (shorts and cast sock) and all that good stuff. My neck is killing me, I'm tired, and of course Ire my youngest had to have her two front bottom baby teeth pulled today. Her adult teeth were starting to come in behind her baby teeth and although the baby teeth were wiggly, they weren't coming out. Rhy has another doctor appointment on June 1. My step son arrives on June 3. Brit my oldest goes to her dads for a week on June 2nd I think. Rhy has a dentist appointment on June 11, and I have a doctor appointment on June 20 unless there is a cancellation. And finally we will have all 6 children home with us by the second weekend in June... So everything is super busy here, but I swear this ~ I will knit some socks with this fantastic yarn my Sunnyme sent me! -- So there :-P LOL
Please ignore the mess, we were still moving things and getting him comfy.. :c)
And here is my first colorwork thingy...aka...Rhy's cast sock... Not the greatest, and I was just playing around, but it sure was fun!! I can't wait to make some more... knit play is great! LOL
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
NOT a Good Day!!
So I wake up today, mosey around the house a bit and just feel generally restless, don't wanna watch tv, don't really want to knit (although I'm almost done with my Belle Maman socks), don't wanna be in front of the computer, or play with the birds...just restless and all over the place not doing much of anything.....When I get a call...
The school nurse called and during gym another little boy ran into my son. It was a simple run in, not one they would normally even write an incident report over, but my son couldn't put weight on his left leg, after icing and rest..
So off I go into my truck and go down to the school (thank goodness its only about 2 miles or so) and walk in. Sure enough he's sitting on a chair super upset and has an ice bag on his upper thigh. So I walk him through what happened, where it hurt and how much. The nurse said she palpitated the area and couldn't feel anything broken, no muscle swelling or tightening.. she did a good job, but still he would not walk or put weight on that leg..
Honestly? I've been here before and my son only has that look or acts like that when something is wrong (which the nurse wouldn't know of course)... So all I really had to do was look at his little face and I KNEW something wasn't right. So I pick him up ( the way.. this was NOT good on the neck and although he is thin for his age at only about 45 pounds, he is tall for me and going to be 8 yo next month!)...and I carry him out to my truck, and get him in the BACK SEAT no less. I'm feeling pretty good about that since my truck sits pretty high up off the ground and I have to heft my little 4'11" into it...
Anyway, I get him in the truck, call my aunt who thank goodness happens to be in my town shopping with a friend (she lives about 30 min from my town) and I go and meet her where we transfer my son out of the truck and into her much more manageable car and off the emergency room..While driving there I'm calling our oldest daughter (16) to let her know why I won't be home when she gets there, and of course call his dad because I'm almost positive that no matter what we will need some shorts when we leave because his jean are probably not going back on..
We get to our hospital and of course they are AWESOME!! They have the BEST child's ER ward with the BEST doctors and nurse's!! They X-Rayed his left thigh and sure enough he has what's called a buckle fracture (easy explanation) or torus fracture (more technical explanation) right above his knee on the outside of his left thigh bone. From what I've read it should heal pretty fast, the easy explanation said about 3 weeks. However the way they talked at the ER he will be in a FULL LEG CAST probably a bit longer. We don't know yet. So he's in a full leg splint right now and goes to see the bone doctor Monday morning and we'll find out more then.
Until then he is in a splint from toes to almost his groin area, he can't put any weight on the leg so I will have to carry him around everywhere and to the time to the bathroom this evening and I can tell you already, this is not going to be fun!!
It could be much worse though!! And he has been a real trooper through the whole thing, very calm and easy going as he always is. We were in the ER, they gave him some pain meds but still he looked over at me and said, "I love you mom"....awww, it could have broke my heart! He is so wonderful and I'm so thankful it wasn't anything worse!!
So after the ER, being the trooper he is, he decided to go to walmart with us to get his meds, so his dad carried him in and plunked him down into a wheel chair and off we went. After a day like this we got him a movie (Night at the Museum) and some McDonald's!
Here is my poor boy about at his limit while we picked up the meds at Wal-Mart

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
My SP10 Strikes AGAIN!
My FIRST sock book and one that I had recently descovered that I REALLY wanted! Can we all chant "OMGosh, OMGosh, OMGosh, OMGosh"???
To tell you how excited I was, I have been glued to this book and have almost rubbed the darn skein back to its orginal form, heck, you could almost put it back on the sheep. ;c)
Thank you Sunnyme!!!! And honestly that seems SO inadequate, a simple thank you... just doesn't seem enough!!!
Along these lines, has anyone else found that since finding knitting they can get emotional about it? Not in a bad way but a good one?? Maybe its just me right now in my life, but I have been getting a bit emotional over my knitting. I got this skein and book from my SP10 and I just sat thare stunned, I could feel the tears welling in my eyes and I thought to myself, "what the heck? You don't CRY!"... LOL I of course bucked up and held my tears in so my family didn't rush me to the emergency room thinking I was dying - lol - but its not the first time I have found myself in this situation - then again, maybe its just an SP10 thing since I am convinced I have the very best one. :c)
I will get pictures up soon, and I warn you now, NO slobbering on your screen or key pad, it will seriously mess it up and your computer won't work right after that. I've been their and its a serious problem. ;c)
I hope everyone had a good weekend and later today I will be sure to post a boring post about what else has been happening over here..
April in SC
Thursday, May 03, 2007
My SP 10
I received your package in the mail a while ago, and I know that I emailed you and shared how excited I was (and J to --lol--), but I haven't shared how wonderful you are with everyone here in B-Land.
I still can't believe how wonderful you are! I love your emails, your personality is just fantastic, and your just fun to talk with! I always look forward to your emails and reading what you have to say!!
Your package was filled with so much love and with things I totally needed and didn't even realize it until I opened everything! I haven't dug into my special bath stuff yet, I wanted to wait until my cold went away so I could smell it all. Its gone now and WOOHHHH, everyone better watch out at my house now!! lol
Here is a picture for all of you to see how much my SP10 (Sunnyme) has spoiled me rotten! Don't get jealous now, you might get her next time, but for now she's mine! Muuuahhh ;c)
School is finally over! Yayaya!! I got a horrible, horrible cold the last week and it just wiped me out! I'm not sure what I got as grades haven't come out yet. I "think" I got an A in Anatomy and Physiology, A in medical Terminology, B in Math, and probably a C in English but I am really hoping I will slide with a B. Of course I could be way off on any of them!! But I'm hoping..
I would like to give a BIG HUG to ALL the people who have supported me this last few months... Of course Sunnyme, NancyMaria, my Aunt Sarah and my Parents have been real supporters among several Others and I REALLY appreciate it!! It really got me through and helped me push my self when I was starting to slack because of kids, house, cars not working, and all that good ol' daily living that side track you...
As for knitting, I finished one sock using my Lorna's Laces (pictured in a very early post), using THIS pattern and have cast on for the second. I frogged back a few rows on Jack's Austermann sock because I found a hole, and now I'm on the toe decreases! Finally!! lol I can't wait to get these done! Soon I will probably be doing some baby socks and maybe something else for a neighbor of my Aunt who recently helped her and is expecting their first grandbaby..a little girl! I'm not sure what I will do besides socks, so if anyone has any ideas or pattern links, please pass them along! :c)
Well I better get going, I have something I will be sharing soon in another blog and I have to go take care of it... ;c)
April in SC
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Just the List..As I Check it Off...
What's left before Tues???
possibly 2 critical thinking "things" to write up
Med Term:
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Makin' My List, and Checkin' it Twice.....
Tonight I'm using this as my check off list, course I have "check off lists" running around my house every where! But for this weekend the more the merrier, anything and everything to help me remember all I have to cram in my brain. :-)
I have 15 questions left to look up out of 130. Course it took me all day to look up all the rest since it was almost all information that was NEVER covered in class...yup, we never went over it. So I had to go through 15 chapters that we never even talked about in class! I suppose we are suppose to have gone over those chapters in the course but heck, we only made it to chapter 10, and at that we won't have time to test on least that is what he said, that doesn't mean that is what he'll do...sigh.....
What's left before Tues???
15 question to still look up in
7 labs to write up
5 labs to finish (as best I can since we didn't cover some of those labs in LAB class) oh and that means 5 more labs to write up
possibly 2 critical thinking "things" to write up
Med Term:
Study for test on Tues
Study Abbrev for quiz on Tues (did do that today/Sat)
Extra Credit for chapter on test (which is the 80 question review at end of chapter)
Study entire chapter 7 for test on Tues
Last of homework for chapter 7
Write up 3 essays for class essay on Tues. In this class he gives a list of possible "6" essays, but he will only pick 3 and we don't know which ones until we come into class, so I like to pick at least 3 and write up a ruff draft or the entire 3 before hand.
So anyone gonna wish me luck?? LOL IF I get a 90% or above I don't have to take the final in A/P and I'm SO hoping to get this!! In Med Term if we get 80% or above we don't have to take the final either, that should be easy...its the A/P I'm worried about! So I need to make sure all this stuff is perfect before I turn it in...and I admit I'm under pressure for a bit of it because I waited to do it (extra credit stuff)...I have no real excuse except the teacher is so all over the place that his class is difficult...would be different if he was actually teaching the class...... O'well, I'll get it done.. it looks like a lot in the list but honestly its not to bad. This will be my "worst" weekend in an entire semester, seriously that is not bad!
I probably will not keep posting a new list as things get done....I will probably just edit this one and cross things out....
OH and I have NOT knit ALL week. I'm totally freaking out as I keep rubbing my socks and holding my needles!! LOL If I get enough work done between the rest of tonight (yea right, its 1:30am) and tomorrow I "might" take some knitting and knit for awhile at my aunts before dinner...maybe...we'll see...
I hope everyone has a great knitting weekend!!
April in SC
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Happy Easter!
We had a good Easter here, the kids woke up and did a little Easter egg hunt in the house. It was cold outside so we didn't do it out their this year. Than they found their hidden baskets and then proceeded to eat a bunch of candy. :c) Jack even got me 2 chocolate bunnies!
So I'm gonna back up just a bit...I had talked about a small project I was working on last week and it was a scarf. It was a super easy pattern that went by very fast, it was called the Mock Cable Scarf and can be found HERE . If your ever looking for a VERY nice pattern that is fast and easy this would be the one, it came out great, unfortunately I only got one pic of it and its a super goofy pic, I hadn't brushed my hair at all yet and just the way I had it wrapped around made me look like a goof ball.... However, I can laugh at myself so here it is. :c)
By the way, long ago I talked about not being able to decide if I should get the glass's that showed my funk/librarian side...Well I did, and I'm wearing them, course I was laughing so they were falling off, I need to get them adjusted!
To show off a bit better pic of me, here is one that is a little better, the kitty is my beloved Voodoo.
As for socks, I didn't get to knit much on any of them last week but I am working on THIS pattern with my Lornas Laces, it kind of picked this pattern and I guess I will save the other one for another sock yarn that says its okay. I'm just picking up gusset stitches on the first sock. On Jack's Austermann sock I appear to have a hole and can't find where I dropped a stitch, so I haven't worked on that until I get a good pic and see if anyone can help me, maybe this weekend, if I'm lucky......wait until you see my school load this week!! Thank goodness only 3 more weeks left!!!
So if I'm MIA for the next few weeks you all know its because of school and finals and all. Here is my homework load from now until next Tuesday.
Anatomy and Physiology:
Read 2 chapters and do review sheets before Thursday ~ Do 3 chapters in work book by Thurs. ~ Over weekend I have about 4 lab reports to do and 4 or 5 works sheets to complete (20 Q's each)
Medical Terminology:
Do note cards for abbrev words ~ study 2 chapters before Thurs for tests ~ And study over weekend for test on Tues.
Homework before Thurs, homework on Thurs and some extra over the weekend, and get ready for a test next week and review for upcoming final.
Work and finish 3 essays this weekend for essay on Tues, study for test next Thurs.
Okay, so that doesn't look like much but it feels like it!! LOL And I keep feeling like I forgot something in there, thank goodness I have everything written down!!
Anyway, its midnight and I'm going to finish up a bit of homework before I go to bed. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and gets some knitting done for me!! :c)
Friday, April 06, 2007
I must say....
Having said that...I now need to get to bed...its 4am!!!!!! What am I doing??? LOL
However, I leave with you a song for the day...or at least one that fits my present mood..
Thursday, April 05, 2007
My Secret Surprise!!!
Okay, I promised I would share my secret surprise with all of you today and I believe I'm ready to do that... :-)
My secret surprise was a HAND MADE Birthday Card from my SP10!! How freakin' cool is that?? I've NEVER gotten a hand made card like this before and I can't say how excited I was!! I called everyone, my mom and dad, my aunt, told my daughter and a few of my friends (although I did that in such a way that they didn't feel I am SO hyped about this darn card, it has REAL string on it tied in the BEST bow!! Here are a few pics of it...if I can figure this
I can't thank you enough SunnyMe!! My card was a wonderful surprise and one that I will cherish for all time! It is going to be hung up on the "art wall of fame" in my kitchen..which is the largest wall in the kitchen and is being loaded up with all the best hand made art that I just love (even if most of it is from the kids..*wink*..)
Hugs to you! For all your kindness and for such a thoughtful gift!!
While I was yet again googling over my home made birthday card I decided while I had my camera actually out and working that I would finally take those picture I promised weeks, upon weeks ago of my very first yarn here are some more pictures.. :c)
Okay, here they are...all but the one I would like to trade and that will get it owns post. I will also post the names and colors soon if anyone wants to know what they are. :c)
So for now I'm outta here..I'm gonna rest my neck and maybe get some knitted on my easy project.
April in SC
I groomed 7 of our animals on Sat...okay that was cool, woke up on my birthday super sore but I was dealing. I had a pretty relaxed birthday, just went to my aunts for dinner, and of course that was perfect, she is such a fantastic cook!!! I can't even begin to tell you how I am spoiled on a weekly basis by that Woman's lovely cooking..not to mention all the other little things she does for our family, she's just such a giving person!!!
So I took some knitting and didn't have to do much on Sun...than Monday comes around and I'm still sore but decide I'm going to get some darn things done around the house, ya know those things that suffer when you get busy but that really bother the heck out of you...and of course they are things everyone else in the family can see or do but doesn't...They will just mosey right on by it like its perfectly dusted...ladeeda... So I get to working, and working, and ohh working some more...than after working myself and the kids for several hours I decide the kids still have to much energy so we go for a walk, not a long walk but a walk, where I proceed to tell them they should So they race down the road to the dead end and we all walk back (I took Kodiak with me and he had a hard time not running with the kids!)...
By evening I'm exhausted and funny but the kids were to, they went to bed wayyy before there bedtime.. Our youngest (6) didn't even say goodnight, she just went to bed and was asleep by Now that alone should have been my clue as to how I had over done it, but ohhh no, I wouldn't catch on to something that simple... So I'm tired, my neck is killing me, my right arm and fingers are uber numb but I got a few things picked up and some laundry folded and minimal dusting done, and also went through some clothes I know our family is just not gonna wear and got tired of it hanging around.... I didn't think how bad it would be the next day.....
So I wake up Tues and I can hardly move...I think I'm gonna die or be paralyzed or that I will live forever with the numbness (oh wait, I feel that way almost all the time anyway...sigh..)... So I get up because I have to and sit on the couch, turn the lap top on and look over some email, I might have even answered some, not sure....I literally did nothing else really! I just sat their staring off into space or staring at my knitting, or staring at what I could still be doing or at the things I would like to be painting my daughters closet, putting my book shelf together for my school work, or just dusting the small dogs out from under my couch (we have to do this weekly and its my week...well it was...probably not now..).... By evening time I'm tired of being tired and I'm frustrated from just sitting and I'm frustrated with the pain...such a small, itty bitty accident, and all this damn pain....its not like our car was totally crunched into a box...course it was totaled, but really I don't think the lady was going 40mph, I'm sure it was way less than that, yet I pitied myself all dang day...smiling at the kids and wishing I could just MOVE body in some way that would be productive... yesterday comes around...I feel a bit better and of course realize that I'm allowed the occasional day of pity for myself but I'm not that type of person that can just sit and be like that, so although I didn't get much done yesterday either, I was in a way better mood. We went last night and got J's and our youngest son's hair cut and got some groceries. By the end of that I was in so much pain my hands were shaking a bit. I don't think it was so much from pain but from just being in pain for a few days. It seems the longer this goes on the less tolerance I have to pain when it happens, and the side effects are me trying to not be grumpy and shaking... Not as bad as it sounds, but that's because I'm not the type of person that likes to show weakness, I usually feel like I have to be strong for everyone else and they can't depend on me if they can't see I'm strong...So for the most part I try and hide how I'm really feeling, which of course J usually see's through, but not always...
I did start knitting something light last night, after like 3 I might be able to work on my beloved socks tonight but I think I will wait and stick with the easy project until tomorrow though...
I also got something SO special for my birthday that I will be sharing with you later today. Right now I need to start on some studying, for all that we had the week off for spring break I really only had a few days and took a few more than I had anticipated, so now its back to the grind... :-)
So for anyone reading this today...I should have an nice long post later today with a special share that I got from someone VERY special!!!
April in SC
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!! :c)
Well I have had a busy week. I got my English paper done and turned in on Friday. Our instructor only gave one actual paper for the whole semester, but it was one of those that if you didn't turn it in you failed the entire semester and had to take the class again...yikes!! So got that turned in on Friday and now I'm on spring break...can we say that again?? SPRING BREAK!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAayayayaay!!
So to start off my spring break I groomed today...and it was a LONG day! First I shaved Kodiak down to help with his skin allergies and just the over abundance of hair that was floating around, and than I proceeded to bath him and Sage our other dog. Well, its spring and I couldn't be done not me.. So I than bathed our 5 cats - Maji - RunyB (pronounced as RuinyB, like you ruin something with a "B" at the end because that stands for something - Druid - Voodoo - and last Mojo... It took me all afternoon and I can tell you cats do not like water, not at all!!! But oh are they fluffy and soft now, and my two babies Mojo and Voodoo have already forgiven me. :c)
Tomorrow (today) we are going to my aunts for dinner, and that is about it, I guess you could say I've always been a bit lame on my But for the first time in a few months I don't think I will be bringing any homework, just knitting... And although I would love to do nothing but knit my whole week of vacation I can't.. Spring has hit here and I have loads I want to do. I won't be able to do any of it very fast but as long as I take good breaks, don't life anything and be mindful that my right hand goes numb and just drops things I should be fine. I'm pretty excited about having a week with just my two youngest this week also, it should be fun!!
So I have restarted THIS sock pattern about 3 times and think I finally got it, But disaster struck in the stupidest way and I'm not sure what to do now... I always keep a pad of paper and a pen near me when I knit to mark rows or make notes...Usually I use a pen that clicks closed or has a cap, well I happen to crab one I personally would never use, but I made sure to keep it away from the yarn. Well my daughter got into my lap and I didn't notice it had rolled and guess what?? It LEAKED on my sock!! I'm so upset!! I'm not sure if it will come out or not....sigh.....
Anyway, I really have to stop now, I'm so tired and honestly very, very sore from using my neck and shoulder so much today. So its off to bed for me! I hope everyone out there is having a good weekend!!
April in SC
Thursday, March 22, 2007
No test and I have the best SP10!
Took my English test today. I thought it went well, out of 80 Questions there were only 4 I felt a bit unsure on. Not to bad I thought, more than I would have liked, but I think I can live with it.
So last night my SP10 and I were emailing back and forth a bit and she sends me this great website on knitting swaps and stuff, you can find it HERE . Wow, was I in heaven! Course it was super late and I should have been in bed, but hey, I gotta take life when it comes and this WAS life baby, I'm tellin' ya!! LOL
I'm having so much fun with the SP10, its just awesome to email back and forth and learn about each other, my SP10 who has been affectionately nicknamed "SunnyMe" is fantastic, funny, practical, silly and everything in between and I just get really excited when I see an email sitting there waiting for me to delve into. And after all, you have to love someone who when you tell on yourself by staying up to late browsing the internet, tells you very nicely just like a best friend to get your butt to bed. ;c) How great is that??
As for knitting I did get a few rows done on J's Austermann sock, only about 3. I want to knit so bad yet I find myself browsing around on the computer instead of using my time as wisely as I could be. Its totally addicting, have I mentioned I'm a pattern junky? Ya, I'm sure I
So I won't be around much over the weekend. I have a HUGE english paper due next week and will be spending my weekend getting that done, please pray for me on this! lol Its already complicated my life, I'm not sure why, its not a hard or long paper, but I'm having major anxiety over it for some unknown reason.
I wanted to make a note on my "swap" ball of yarn, you remember, the one I don't like the color on?? I don't care if its solid, stripped or whatever, as long as we agree on the color and its sock yarn, and of course of equal value (again I only paid 6.75)... I "think" I put in my other post that most of the patterns I've been looking at called for solid sock yarn, but I didn't mean that I would only "swap" solid for the one ball I have...there is ALWAYS a sock pattern I love and can do... lol... ;c)
Well I need to get going, I was up late last night and its already midnight, I need to get to bed!! No more website browsing or anything else tonight! lol
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
April in SC
SP10 ~ My favorite accessory
However, I do have one, and that would be my needle gauge.. There is a little spot in my purse that it just fits perfectly, so of course it goes everywhere with me! :c) And that might be why its my favorite. I can't tell you all the times I've used it. I've used it for sizing, measureing knitting and non knitting items, and I've even used it to measure the tops of my pages for APA format at college to make sure I had the full 1" all the way around the paper!! LOL Its just the handiest tool to have in so many different ways.
I don't have a picture of my own, but I found what I have online and here it is:

Its awesome and I don't think I could live without it. :c)
April in SC
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The Dreaded Flu & Trade me Sock Yarn?
Its the bottom picture (787) and its much lighter than the picture..more like spring and summer (I guess the summer in the name should have gotten me (Online ~ summer 787) but it didn't). So just think all those colors just much lighter... ;c)
Well I better get, I have to do one more short blog and than I need to get to bed. I have a math test tomorrow and a huge test in english.
April in SC
Thursday, March 15, 2007
About Me~
Wow, writing that was the easy part, telling about myself now seems a bit
Okay, I will be 33 in April. I had my first daughter very young at 16. I got married at 16 to, that lasted about 6 1/2 years, I met Jack about a year after my divorce started, we decided to wait to get married since we both had been married before and well, that has turned into 10 years later and still not married, but we are planning for it this year, seems fitting after all we have been through and of course it being our 10th. I have 5 children and one step son. Three of our children live with us, which would be a whole different story, and not short as its a bit twisted like most blended families tend to be.
For the most part I've been a stay at home mom, although I did work for a few years in there and also went to college. We decided with our last two children that I would stay home until the last one went to school full time, which was this year. I was born and raised in Alaska, moved to Michigan with my ex where I spent about 9 years, went back to Alaska for 2 years and than moved down here where I've been for almost 4 years.
I have a lot of companion pets...2 dogs, 5 cats, 1 turtle, and 6 parrots. I have a ford truck which started having break problems today, but its my baby and I love it. Although everyone tends to make fun of me because I have to use a body pillow doubled up to drive it since I'm only 4' 11".
I don't prefer cooking and love easy recipes, which since I don't prefer cooking means I'm usually to lazy to look them up. I'm not a bad cook, I would just rather fold laundry, mop, clean the kitty litter or even the toilet instead. ;c) Thank goodness Jack loves to cook so we trade off days.
I do like fishing, camping, reading, cross stitch, did I mention reading?? lol.. and of course my pets , family and the biggy knitting.
I don't collect to many nick knacks, we've moved a lot the last 6 years and also because of our parrots, which could fly into them and break them, we do a have a few treasures though.
mm...I don't like to shop much, unless its a craft/yarn/bookstore, I love, love, love coffee and tea, unfortunately I'm pretty stuck on decaf with only an occasional live cup in my hand. Although I don't go have it professionally done I believe everyone woman deserves to treat herself to a nice night of tea, good movie and painting her toe nails. Maybe its because I'm not much of a foot person but I think woman's toes look better in sandals with a bit of color... kind of a me thing I guess. lol...
Last summer I was in a car accident and have a bulging disk in my neck and possible facet joint damage. I've had 3 epidurals with my last on Dec 11. I thought it was getting much better but it has been bothering me again, which means it feels like the muscles in my neck are trying to crawl into the back of my skull while my right arm and sometimes part of my leg goes a bit numb and just causes general annoying pain. Still it could be worse, and I just want to get it fixed...especially since its keeping me from getting that last of my 6 year old baby fat off! LOL
Right now, I'm going to college full time, hopefully to become a nurse. I just started back this school year and even if I complain I'm very excited to have the opportunity to be doing this.
I have an awesome family and our family spends almost every Sat night having dinner at my Aunts house, now she is a fantastic cook! Yippy!!! I have two great older sisters that both live in AK and my parents are total life savers, they are open, communicate well, are understanding and except their entire family with no reserve. I can actually say that about all my close family, I'm very fortunate, and hopefully my parents will be moving down here to SC sometime this year, we'll see. :c)
Personally right now I feel like I'm in transition and I'm not really sure where I'm going. After staying home for the last few years and now reemerging into the outside world where its not just kids and more kids I'm finding out things about myself that have just changed or is changing. Its an exciting time and I never know where I myself will be going or what I might be thinking about next. Its totally something I've needed and everyday is always a good day to experience something either about the outside world or something about myself I didn't know before... A good example is knitting...When I first started I really wanted to learn socks but felt I needed to get some other basics down know, learning to knit right?? LOL So while I'm doing that I'm looking at all sorts of sock patterns and yarns and pictures online and I'm thinking to myself two things 1. wow, sock yarn is expensive and 2. I don't think I would ever be so bold with my color, don't sock knitters knit with solid colors?? So fast forward to about Jan...I decide I'm ready for socks, but now its different, something changed in just a year, and even from the few weeks before Xmas, because all the sudden 11.00 doesn't seem so bad and OMGosh, I LOVE color, still most of the warm tones and not anything loud, but honestly I can't imagine doing many sock patterns with solid yarn...there are only maybe 2 cable patterns that just wouldn't look right on anything else...but now I just love the color, not sure what changed but thankfully it did.... Its great to step out of my comfort zone and just go with life, to stand inside that fire instead of outside looking in...
Well, that got long...if your still with me, thanks, and maybe its time for a potty break?? ;c)
Its almost 11:30 and I'm bound and determined to be in bed by midnight tonight! I'm crammed again in homework and I haven't even knit yet today...sigh...probably not gonna happen tonight, but if I go to bed and get up early I bet I can squeeze some time in...whoo hooo!!!
April in SC
P.S. I thought knitting was addictive, and it is...I could never give it up, but once long ago I looked into spinning but where I lived at the time there wasn't anywhere to learn, and it was before the Internet even came to that area to....but now....Oh Boy, the world is opening up and this might be something in my future...we'll have to wait and see since I'm just reading up on
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
SP10 ~ Update
I have my questionnaire posted in a previous post, but will be posting it again and I will probably change a few things in it. I have no idea why those things are hard for me but they sure are! Either way, its all good and I'm really excited!
Good Luck to all the SP10'eners out there, I hope you all have a fabulous time!!
April in SC
What's up Doc??
In-between this we went to my Aunts on for dinner Sat like we always do (I swear, I wish I could share her cooking, its great!) and FINALLY handed over her Birthday gift, and of course spent the rest of my free time studying and knitting.
I was in a car accident last June which resulted in a bulging disk in my neck and possibly some facet joint damage. I've had 3 epidural injections into my neck area, and they seemed to really help, especially after my last one on December 11. I was starting to not have pain just sitting, and only when I over taxed those muscles. I was actually after all these months feeling half-way human, not fully but halfway. Until about a week and half ago. I'm not sure what really happened but slowly my neck and shoulder started to hurt again, then I started getting numbness again in my right arm and now into my leg at times as well. I'm a bit frustrated with the whole thing as my right side is just SO weak (thank goodness its not my "good" side).... Anyway, its going to be off to the Doc again to see what he says, hopefully it will be something as tonight it got really bad after trying to sit all day in class, and its getting difficult to drive again...sigh...
For the knitting I haven' worked much on my last Trekking sock, this sock is like the sock that never own fault of course, I got hooked on working on Jack's Austermann sock, I am on the gusset decreases right now.
It's getting late at 10:30 now, but I still think I'm going to try and get at least a few rows in on one of the socks I'm working on, and probably some homework. Tomorrow is loads of homework, hopefully some knitting, and again seeing about some glass's. I wonder, should I go with my funk side, or my normal side with just some regular ol' wire rims?? I'm just not sure the geeky librarian pocket protector is me, than again, I did kind of like it. ;c)
April in SC
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Test in Teams, Test Alone.
Fast forward to this evening, I walk into the school and everyone it out in the hallway waiting, the teacher is not letting us in yet, and the first thing I hear is that we are not working in teams but alone....all alone...
Good thing I didn't just "specialize" eh??
That is how this class is, you can't count on anything the instructor says, things change in that class faster than ... well... maybe.... I better not say You get my point, and its horrible. Nothing like wanting to learn, liking what your learning, knowing the teacher likes what he teaches and knowing that the whole class including you feels like they are not learning half of what they could be all because of a lack of organization and structure, and of course the instructor letting us know exactly what we need to know and being accurate on that information.
Now for the good part of my day, in fact great part of my day... I got SOCK YARN in the mail!! My very first time!! I'll give way more details tomorrow and I'm going to "try" and be firm about getting my pictures up! The only reason I'm kind of lazy about it is because I use my laptop and in order to do pictures I have to go use my desktop and load my pictures onto my flash drive and transfer them onto my laptop. I need a adapter for my camera memory card, I know they don't cost much, I've just not be up to walmart to check recently...its on the list. :c)
I'm only a few rows to until I'm at the toe decrease on my trekking socks, and I CO for Jack's sock on size 1 with the austermann. After fiddling with my gauge and CO formula I just decided to try 80 St and go with it. I'm not doing a really long sock and I'm doing it with a 1x1 ribbing and than I'm taking a pattern that was called "broken rib' and goes like this : Row 1 and 2 knit, Row 3 and 4 2x2 rib.. I hope it works and if not I won't have to frog back far since I'm not giving it much leg. :c)
Guess that's about it for tonight, its getting late and I want to get another row on the Jack's socks before I head off to bed.
April in SC
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
I made it through today!! Now on to Gauge stuff...
Tomorrow and Thursday will be big days for me so I probably won't get an update put up here, and I'm not sure I will get the pictures up I had wanted to yesterday before Thursday night or Friday. I found out tonight that we are having our first practical in A/P Thursday night and I have loads to study as it covers 8 or 9 chapters and is all hands on (AND I have some sock yarn that should be delivered that day, how am I ever going to learn all I need for A/P Thursday night when sock yarn is coming that day? LOL). The good thing is that we get to do it in our lab teams, so tonight after class we split up the work and each of us 3 will be "specializing" in our own topic along with just doing a general study of all material covered to date....Wish me luck, its a lot of information and since we are behind in chapters some of the stuff we haven't even gone over in lecture..and I know I need some luck to remember all the surface muscles of the body along with lipids and protein reactions from a previous lab.. Good thing I not only took notes but also made out a tabled lab report I can now study off of. :c)
Okay, for the gauge thingy that is going on over here..
I am knitting my Trekking on my size 0 needles, I CO and started knitting a swatch with the Austermann I just got on my size 1 needles...and I'm getting 11 Spi on both.. Okay, I was told this can happen, no biggy. What is confusing me is that if I use the formula of (Spi x Ankle Circumference) with 20% deducted for ease it still seems like I'm going to have CO a large amount for Jack's socks. Here is what it comes out to be:
With my Trekking I CO 68 which was really snug, I don't think I could do that with anything but a plan vanilla ankle sock, I do like my socks snug though so for the pattern I used this is fine. But here is what my CO would be for me and Jack, if anyone has any ideas on this at all please let me know.
Using (spi x ankle) with 20% ease
70 sts -- which seems okay
88 sts -- which seems like a lot
How many of you out there cast on 88 sts for socks? And since I did take the 20% off for ease how do you think it would effect the size if done in a rib pattern that is carried down the leg and top of foot?? Should I only take 10% or would the 20% with the 88 sts be okay??
Any and all answers or suggestions would be wonderful and much appreciated!
Okay, its midnight and I have loads of studying to do tomorrow, I hope everyone had a great day and I want to thank everyone who has left me comments, they are all much appreciated!!
April in SC
Monday, March 05, 2007
Yarn Goddess's
Well Friday Jack came home and put a new muffler on one of our cars, I had been at Lowe's earlier that day and picked up some really beautiful lavender paint for some shelves for my youngest daughter, so I painted those up. Saturday Jack got up early and served me breakfast in bed (yes, I've been very spoiled like that almost every weekend for 10 yrs this year!), we talked and had coffee together and than got ready so he could take me to the yarn shop, after that we went to my aunts house which we usually do on Saturday nights and had a great visit and wonderful food (she is a GREAT cook). While we were at my aunts I got a few rows done on my Trekking sock. When we got home we put in a movie and I started a swatch on my size 1's with the Austermann, these will be for Jack and I think I finally got him excited about a pair of socks. Now he would rather have a I think this yarn has caught his attention and he's looking forward to having them. Boy, I'm not sure how others have felt about the Austermann but to me it feels SO soft, almost slippery its so soft. I can't wait to actually get the sock on the needle. Since I'm almost done with my Trekking socks and I like using my size 0's I decided instead of using my size 1's for my Lornas Laces (picture showed in earlier blog post) I would go ahead and CO on size 1's with the Austermann and wait to use my size 0's for my LL. We were both so tired that we didn't watch much of the movie. Sunday I studied all day and the same for today. I'm hoping if I can get done by early evening I will have time to do some knitting. We'll see, Mondays are always big study days before my tests on Tuesdays.
Well that's about all that is going on here. My dog Kodiak is still doing just fine, strange, but we are very thankful.
I hope everyone out there had a great weekend and got to enjoy lots of enjoyed hours of knitting!
April in SC
Thursday, March 01, 2007
SP10 ~ I'm In!!
Anyway, here it is in all its glory!
1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
I am SO into sock yarn right now! I don't really have a favorite since the Trekking and Lornas Laces on my blog are my first and I haven't even started on the LL yet. I don't usually use bulky yarn, but there are a few scarfs I wouldn't mind trying, and I would love to try some lace and some sweaters (adult ones, I've done baby/children's). I really prefer superwash wool/blends, although with lace and bulky I know that can be hard. I don't have much on my "want to do list" that involves acrylic, but I suppose there is always a pattern to be found that you just have to do..
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
Right now a zip lock or in my knitting bag. Bad I know. I'm working on my very first felt project, we'll see how it goes and if its not bad I'll post it, if not I know I have a pattern saved somewhere for a felted case done with cables that looked really beautiful, now I just need to find it again, I think I'll try and find it and post it to see if anyone had done it before and if they liked it.
3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I've been knitting active for about a year now. I'm self taught and I knit totally backwards. From my right needle onto my left...I'm left handed and its just easier on my As for skill, I'm not sure how to answer that. I still consider myself a beginner, but I have done baby socks, almost done with a pair for myself, cables, fingerless gloves, and baby sweaters...right now, its all about socks and hopefully a few adult sweaters will be in my future.
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
I don't, but I've been thinking about doing an Amazon list for ages..I'm an avid reader when not knitting or studying, my wish list isn't that long but I have one. :c)
5. What's your favorite scent?
For perfume I'm an Estee girl..beautiful to be exact...and for all natural, wow, that's hard. I love vanilla and the new downy fabric softener that's out...I love getting into bed at night and smelling that fresh smell. Mint, gardenias (sp?), tea roses, lily of the valley and ohhh my very fav herb kind of scent is patchouli...its just smells so earthy to me..
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?
Does anyone remember when jolly rancher had the fire sticks?? Not the little candies they have now in small cubes but the actual "sticks"....can't find those anymore..darnnit... I don't eat a lot of candy, but don't turn down chocolate when offered either. When I read I eat salted sunflower seeds, I can crack those faster than none other, or at least that's what I'm told..I don't prefer dark chocolate or white, I chew a lot of gum, usually a spearmint flavor, I love, love, love chocolate covered coffee, were those made in heaven or what?? LOL
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin?
No sadly I don't spin, maybe one day I will learn, it has always fascinated me. The one time I looked into it in a previous state I lived in the store had closed not a week before, It was sad. I do like to cross stitch and will do a few rows when I can pull myself away from knitting..
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
We are big music lovers here. DH plays guitar, mountain dulcimer, banjo, and mandolin and I sometimes pick at the banjo a little bit. My computer, portable CD Player and Ipod all play songs. :c) I listen to EVERYTHING, almost literally. Bluegrass, country (from current to older..I'm talking old, like flatt and scruggs to the carter family for the old at least), rock (mainly new stuff, I like some of it, and what I don't like I'm at least trying to keep up with what my oldest daughter listens to, so I I like rap, classical, blues, and I'm not much of a jazz person but I would never turn down a new musical experience. I also listen to some new age'y' type spiritual stuff, chants, Indian flute music, meditation type music, ohhh and best not forget an almost weekly sound in this house...bagpipes, Irish melodies and stuff like that...
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand?
I'm not much of a yellow/orange/bright green person. My favorite color is nice deep purple, you could probably look at the Lornas Laces on my blog to see the colors there. The trekking sock was bit out there for me, but I love it. Right now I seem to be running towards the neutral colors, dk purples, tans, browns, beige's...but the more I knit and the more I learn about color the more I've learned I know nothing about color at all or how beautiful it can be in different combinations that I would never have thought of.. So I'm always open to stepping out of my comfort zone and having others show me how beautiful life can be with wild and lovely color.
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
Okay, to make this have 3 children that live with us full time, and three that don't. Ages - that live with us - 16, 7, 6 - that don't live with us - 15, 12 yo twins - We have 2 dogs, 5 cats (I have no idea where half came from!! lol.. just kidding, they needed homes and suddenly my DH who didn't like cats felt we needed to take them all in?? Strange man to change his mind after almost 10 years together!)..1 turtle and 6 parrots. I swear I could probably charge the neighborhood children at the door to come see my zoo, but than again I don't think my companion pets would like that... ;c)
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
Mittens yes, yes, yes..I have early onset of arthritis in my hands, have had it since my early 20's, hats possibly if there in kids size' really scarves or ponchos.. Not that I don't love them, its just that I'm only 4' 11" and if the scarf or poncho is to long they make me look even squatier, if that's a
12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
Socks right now, I'm totally living in my own little sock world and its fantastic. I also like fingerless gloves/gauntlets, scarves, and baby things, except I don't have anyone to make them for.. I really like little projects that I can take with me to college and work on in between class's. (or sometimes during class...shhhh)
13. What are you knitting right now?
Socks, and trying a round pattern for table mats. My aunt has a round glass table and hasn't been able to find mats she likes in the right shade of green. I'm also working on a pair of fingerless gloves for my uncle (which should have been a LONG time ago, but I got stuck on my socks and school..)
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?
Most of my friends aren't that crafty, so honestly I've not ever received many. I know I would love it, how can you not just knowing how much effort, time and love someone put into it?? It would not matter what it was (even the knitted was made with love and..well..I'm extremely appreciative and sentimental that way..
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
Socks I knit on DPN's but that's because I haven't gotten any circulars to try them on. I have some circs but not small enough for socks. For the most part I like everything but plastic. I haven't tried those but they don't look very appealing. So far I believe I have DPN's in size 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7. Straight in 10, 10 1/2, 11, 7, 13, 6, and I think 5 not sure on that one, and in circ's I have 10 1/2, 8, 6 and I think 13's.
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
Nope..but I have a very, very patient DH. ;c)
17. How old is your oldest UFO?
About 4 months old. My uncles fingerless gloves.
18. What is your favorite holiday?
Halloween hands down.
19. Is there anything that you collect?
Not really, we moved around for a few years so it was hard to keep anything like that, and now we have parrots that could accidentally fly and break something, so we are limited to breakables in certain parts of the house. I would say for collections I probably have movies, the books I read, DH has lyrics to old country/bluegrass songs...and of course patterns, yup I think I can say I collect those...rather a junky if I say so
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
I will probably have to come back and modify this one, I don't have a I don't have any subscriptions, and only 2 knitting books so far (stitch n Bitch, and Cables Untangled), I would love to get my hands on the Dixie Mason book, a book on doing socks on circs, and any other good sock book of patterns, as for patterns, yup..I'll have to come back to that, but really I love cabled patterns and socks that have designs like the Monkey sock or like the Eagles Flight . Of course I haven't tried them yet.
21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
Socks on Circs, and eventually I think I would like to try toe up, just about anything, except maybe dish clothes, as fun as they are, I use sponges at home and so does everyone else I know, except of course my knitty online friends. lol
22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
I don't wear socks that are very high, as you can see what I'm making in previous blogs, but here are my measurements:
Foot/arch -- 8.5 inch
Ankle -- 8.5 inch
Heel to toe -- 8.25
Provided I measure right, which I think I did. :c)
23. When is your birthday?
Sadly my parents thought it was beautiful and fateful that I be named April for the month I was born in and because of the "special" day .... April 1, 1974.... Ya. I'm so glad they have that kind of twisted sense of humor to strap me with that until my end of days.. ;c)