Thursday, March 08, 2007

Test in Teams, Test Alone.

So Tuesday we find out we have a practical test in lab for A/P over about 8 or 9 chapters, of course we are only on chapter 7, but hey, it's all good. It was even better when our instructor said we were taking the test as a team with our lab partners "teams". So after class my team gets together and we decide to of course study all of the material but to also break up the subjects and specialize between us. Cool, that worked for me, although I was a bit nervous that I would forget my "specialty" at the last moment with having test anxiety and all, but still it was all good.

Fast forward to this evening, I walk into the school and everyone it out in the hallway waiting, the teacher is not letting us in yet, and the first thing I hear is that we are not working in teams but alone....all alone...

Good thing I didn't just "specialize" eh??

That is how this class is, you can't count on anything the instructor says, things change in that class faster than ... well... maybe.... I better not say You get my point, and its horrible. Nothing like wanting to learn, liking what your learning, knowing the teacher likes what he teaches and knowing that the whole class including you feels like they are not learning half of what they could be all because of a lack of organization and structure, and of course the instructor letting us know exactly what we need to know and being accurate on that information.

Now for the good part of my day, in fact great part of my day... I got SOCK YARN in the mail!! My very first time!! I'll give way more details tomorrow and I'm going to "try" and be firm about getting my pictures up! The only reason I'm kind of lazy about it is because I use my laptop and in order to do pictures I have to go use my desktop and load my pictures onto my flash drive and transfer them onto my laptop. I need a adapter for my camera memory card, I know they don't cost much, I've just not be up to walmart to check recently...its on the list. :c)

I'm only a few rows to until I'm at the toe decrease on my trekking socks, and I CO for Jack's sock on size 1 with the austermann. After fiddling with my gauge and CO formula I just decided to try 80 St and go with it. I'm not doing a really long sock and I'm doing it with a 1x1 ribbing and than I'm taking a pattern that was called "broken rib' and goes like this : Row 1 and 2 knit, Row 3 and 4 2x2 rib.. I hope it works and if not I won't have to frog back far since I'm not giving it much leg. :c)

Guess that's about it for tonight, its getting late and I want to get another row on the Jack's socks before I head off to bed.

April in SC

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