Well had a pretty good weekend, felt like I ran around town all weekend, which I kind of did. We went to the mall on Friday, than we went on Sat, and than I went yet again on Sun, this time to get an eye exam. Yup, found out I need new glass's, not that I've been good, I haven't had my eyes checked in about 4 years. So nothing new that I needed new glass's. Now I just have to actually pick some glass's...do you think this was easy for me?? Of course not! I found a pair I really liked, they would be what I would call my "funk" side, which is a side I don't show often, I really think knitting is bringing that out in me..at least it sounds like a good excuse..lol... So Last night we went to another mall to look at glass's and the only ones I found between two places that looked remotely good had Barbie on them...yes, they were kids, I have a small face...but Barbie?? I think not..lol.. So either I go with my "funk" side or keep looking.. I really dislike choices like this!
In-between this we went to my Aunts on for dinner Sat like we always do (I swear, I wish I could share her cooking, its great!) and FINALLY handed over her Birthday gift, and of course spent the rest of my free time studying and knitting.
I was in a car accident last June which resulted in a bulging disk in my neck and possibly some facet joint damage. I've had 3 epidural injections into my neck area, and they seemed to really help, especially after my last one on December 11. I was starting to not have pain just sitting, and only when I over taxed those muscles. I was actually after all these months feeling half-way human, not fully but halfway. Until about a week and half ago. I'm not sure what really happened but slowly my neck and shoulder started to hurt again, then I started getting numbness again in my right arm and now into my leg at times as well. I'm a bit frustrated with the whole thing as my right side is just SO weak (thank goodness its not my "good" side).... Anyway, its going to be off to the Doc again to see what he says, hopefully it will be something as tonight it got really bad after trying to sit all day in class, and its getting difficult to drive again...sigh...
For the knitting I haven' worked much on my last Trekking sock, this sock is like the sock that never ends..lol...My own fault of course, I got hooked on working on Jack's Austermann sock, I am on the gusset decreases right now.
It's getting late at 10:30 now, but I still think I'm going to try and get at least a few rows in on one of the socks I'm working on, and probably some homework. Tomorrow is loads of homework, hopefully some knitting, and again seeing about some glass's. I wonder, should I go with my funk side, or my normal side with just some regular ol' wire rims?? I'm just not sure the geeky librarian pocket protector is me, than again, I did kind of like it. ;c)
April in SC
I hope you are feeling better soon. It takes forever for those neck injuries to heal. I am still recouping from a fall on ice in Feb 05. I have had my right knee replaced (Sept 06) and going in for back surgery in May. I have gotten a lot of knitting done because I can't to much of anything else. I had to take medication for pain control for my right leg and back right now. So I don't get to drive very much. And I will not be going back to work after all. More knitting in my future I see!
Depression from this pain is far worse then the pain at times. I feel so old because I just can't do what I used to do and probably won't do them ever again. Oh well, I can knit for my granddaughter who is 7 months now.
I really enjoyed viewing your blog. I have you bookmarked and will keep checking back to see your progress on your knitting and your recovery.
Hey Lynn!
I totally understand what your saying! The depression CAN really get you more than the pain sometimes, its horrible! Thank goodness we have the smooth sound of clicking needles to keep our blood pressure down and our thoughts positive right? :c)
Thank you for your comment about my blog, honestly I love the "idea" but I'm SO not used to sharing my thoughts or what's going in my day with others like this. It feels strange to talk about "myself"...you know?? I'm working on it though, I suppose the trick is to type like you talk, to put your personality into it...yea, easier said than done...kind of like I doubt I'll ever do steeks...*shudders*..it looks so scary!! lol
Do you have a blog to?? I would love to know what it is, I'm just getting my links up, slowly of course!
My one and only regret is that I didn't buckle down and learn knitting while my children were babies, there are so many things out there to knit for them! I'm sure your granddaughter will love them, even though she's young!
I hope you get to feeling better, or maybe I should say, I hope you have more pain free days than pain days and please, please keep me posted on how your doing!! Once you've had an injury no matter what the cause, its always nice to know someone understands and cares... We gimpy's (as Jack calls us in a loving way) have to stick together. :c)
April in SC
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