Thursday, March 22, 2007

No test and I have the best SP10!

So I get to class today and the teacher (Mr. W), decides we won't have our math test today but on Tues..I was SO happy. I have down what I need to know, but I'm still really slow at working out the problems, so the extra time to "practice" won't hurt me at all. :c)

Took my English test today. I thought it went well, out of 80 Questions there were only 4 I felt a bit unsure on. Not to bad I thought, more than I would have liked, but I think I can live with it.

So last night my SP10 and I were emailing back and forth a bit and she sends me this great website on knitting swaps and stuff, you can find it HERE . Wow, was I in heaven! Course it was super late and I should have been in bed, but hey, I gotta take life when it comes and this WAS life baby, I'm tellin' ya!! LOL

I'm having so much fun with the SP10, its just awesome to email back and forth and learn about each other, my SP10 who has been affectionately nicknamed "SunnyMe" is fantastic, funny, practical, silly and everything in between and I just get really excited when I see an email sitting there waiting for me to delve into. And after all, you have to love someone who when you tell on yourself by staying up to late browsing the internet, tells you very nicely just like a best friend to get your butt to bed. ;c) How great is that??

As for knitting I did get a few rows done on J's Austermann sock, only about 3. I want to knit so bad yet I find myself browsing around on the computer instead of using my time as wisely as I could be. Its totally addicting, have I mentioned I'm a pattern junky? Ya, I'm sure I

So I won't be around much over the weekend. I have a HUGE english paper due next week and will be spending my weekend getting that done, please pray for me on this! lol Its already complicated my life, I'm not sure why, its not a hard or long paper, but I'm having major anxiety over it for some unknown reason.

I wanted to make a note on my "swap" ball of yarn, you remember, the one I don't like the color on?? I don't care if its solid, stripped or whatever, as long as we agree on the color and its sock yarn, and of course of equal value (again I only paid 6.75)... I "think" I put in my other post that most of the patterns I've been looking at called for solid sock yarn, but I didn't mean that I would only "swap" solid for the one ball I have...there is ALWAYS a sock pattern I love and can do... lol... ;c)

Well I need to get going, I was up late last night and its already midnight, I need to get to bed!! No more website browsing or anything else tonight! lol

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

April in SC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well that's a relief that your math test was postponed! Now I don't feel so bad about sharing that link with you! ;) do you realize that I'm now blushing from all the nice things you said about me? I feel the same way towards you and boy, do I look forward to emails from you! I just wish I could respond to them as soon as I receive them! :) good luck with the swap...I think I'm going to send you some other links to help you out with swapping your yarn. :)