Well today didn't end up being a good day for studying, guess that means a semi late night, than tests in the morning, than a 3 1/2 hours race in the afternoon to finish up homework and studying before my class/tests tomorrow night...I sure can't wait until its over with!! LOL
As for my boy Kodiak, I ended up canceling his vet appointment this afternoon. I had noticed the problem Friday night, called the vet Sat morning and by that evening he has been fine and has appeared fine since. I think he maybe pulled a muscle playing or something. The hot spot that was healing doesn't appear to have any infection in it, no swelling, no heat, no abscess, it really appears to be healing fine, so I canceled and will continue to keep a close eye on him. I can totally palpitate his leg, underneath it and all around it without a single flinch or yelp, he's been walking fine and not lifting that leg or anything...so for now, I'll watch and give him my usually 1,000 loves a day.
I would like to thank everyone who kept him in their thoughts and prayers, I'm sure this helped and it was very much appreciated.. he is one special boy to us!
As for knitting....When I did my swatch on my first trekking sock I swore I was getting 9 sts per inch on my size O's, since I was considering CO with my Lornas Lace and was going to use my size 1's I was just pondering what my Spi would be and started to look for some patterns I might use with the yarn.. I really liked the Eagles Flight Pattern but wasn't sure the yarn would look good with it.. Anyway (I'm sorry, I'm tired tonight!)... I wasn't sure I could get that on my size 1's and for some insane reason I can't find one of my size 2's!! Uggghhh.. So I'm not really sure why but I decided to look at my finished trekking sock and I swear it shows 10 to 11 Spi!!! I checked the second one I'm still working on and it shows the same.. I checked last night and it was really late so honestly I'm not sure if it was 10 or 11 but I can say with assurance it was one or the other! lol Now that is when I got to thinking to myself how the heck I'm going to 8 Spi with my size 1's.. Probably not gonna happen. Still I'm hoping on Wed to be able to swatch with the 1's or just say to heck with it and wait until my 0's are free. :c)
Didn't get to really knit today, probably because I spent all my free time reading up on the socknitters group and asking questions...shame on me but I just can't help it!! They are so great over there that I can totally get lost just reading and asking questions.. Hopefully I will get at least a few rows in between class's.
For now though I still have math homework to do and Medical Terminology to study! I hope everyone had a good knitty weekend!
April in SC
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